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4 Do’s & Don’ts For Your Next Job Interviews

September 15, 2015 | Career Blog

You applied for the job and kept your fingers crossed until you received the phone call. They want you to come in for an interview. So the fingers (and a few toes) get re-crossed as you begin the preparations for the big day. But, when it comes to job interviews, do you know what to do and not do in order to get the job? Below are some ideas to pay attention to so you can do well at your interview and uncross those fingers for good.

Do take as many practice runs as you need until you feel confident and comfortable. At Allegiance Staffing, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality temporary employees, and that starts with being prepared. Doing research and knowing the company and what they do can help with answering many questions that might be posed. While it is definitely important to practice and rehearse, don’t over do it so your answers seem scripted and mechanical. As part of your practicing, work on keeping your personality and character at the forefront. After all, all jobs require communication, and how well you can communicate will be part of what the interviewer notices.

Do dress well, arrive early, and be respectful to everyone involved. It doesn’t matter if the job is one where you’ll never dress up; the point is, that you cared enough to impress on the day of the interview, so regardless of whether you’ll be wearing jeans and work boots to the actual job, dress to impress on that day. The same idea applies to punctual arrival. Getting there early means that you are eager to get started, and that you’re fully prepared. The adage is that “if you arrive on time, you’re late,” and you can rarely, if ever, go wrong by getting to the job interview at least a few minutes early. And when you get there, treateveryone with equal respect–these will be the people you end up seeing regularly, and a great first impression goes a long way.

Don’t be desperate, soft-spoken, or negative. Again, job interviewers are impressed by professional, positive, and assertive applicants. If you act like you’d take any job offered to you, the particular job that you’re looking to get will seem less important to you in the eyes of the interviewer. Coming across as pathetic does not bode well. Be confident in your abilities and speak clearly and proudly. Sell yourself! As well, there is absolutely no room for negativity of any sort, and this includes speaking badly about former employers or fellow employees. If you’re negative toward them, it follows that you’ll likely be negative at the job for which you’re interviewing, as well.

Don’t, to the best of your ability, answer questions with a simple “yes” or “no” and leave it at that. Explain yourself so that the answer you give is as clear and developed as it can be. This will showcase your determination to impress.

If you’re prepared, job interviews do not have to be super scary. We encourage you to contact us to get the process of securing an interview (and a great job!) moving. We look forward to it!