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5 Ways To Create A Better Company Culture

July 11, 2014 | Staffing Blog


Organizations like Zappos, Google, Apple and even Facebook are often heralded for creating a trendy, cool and imitation-worthy Company Culture. Whether it’s a dog-friendly office, video games in the break room or an open concept floor plan, there are plenty of ways businesses can create a culture that inspires innovation and fosters productivity. 

Don’t be quick to dismiss the idea of a carefully thought out corporate culture. Don’t get caught up in the mindset of “I’m giving people a paycheck, isn’t that enough?” Younger generations of workers, in particular, like to feel connected to their companies. They want more than a paycheck – they long to be part of something bigger. 

Great Place to Work Institute, a research and consulting firm, has discovered over its 30 years of worldwide research that investing in company culture has a true business ROI. Studies have found great workplaces have lower turnover and better financial performance along with better quality job applicants and improved safety track records. 

It’s hard to imagine any business that wouldn’t want to enjoy those benefits. 

  1. Give your employees a voice – and actually listen. If you’ve hired smart people, they probably have smart ideas. Create a culture that encourages employees to share their suggestions and ideas. And then give them the opportunity to play out those ideas when appropriate. 
  2. Understand that work isn’t everything. There’s a lot of buzz about work-life balance, but it’s necessary in a company that wants to keep its team members. Your employees have families and commitments outside the office, so give them the opportunity to take care of those demands without being made to feel guilty or as if they are slack workers.
  3. Have fun. This will look different for every business and for every industry, but think about even small ways you can mix fun into the workweek. On a Friday, can you break out the cornhole set or fire up the grill for a hamburger lunch? What about a quarterly “field trip” to a local attraction (beach, mini golf, movie theater, ice skating)?  
  4. Foster innovation and creativity. Creating a culture of innovation often means giving employees the freedom to try – and to fail. Don’t shoot down ideas; let them play out and see what happens. 
  5. Be open. Communication is an important element for having an environment of trust. Even if the news isn’t always rainbows and unicorns, keep your employees informed about what’s happening – from the top to the bottom.

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