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Is a Tech-Heavy Resume Right for You?

May 6, 2015 | Career Blog

Is a paper resume listing your job experience and skills so 2001? In a world of ever-changing technology, it may be tempting to create a tech-focused resume using video, slideshows and special effects to highlight your talents.

These tech resumes highlighted on are sure to capture any hiring manager’s attention: a resume that looks like an Amazon product page and one that looks like a Facebook page. For people wanting jobs at Instagram and Google, they created resumes to mimic the look of those online services.

Thinking out of the box with your resume is a great way to stand out from a pile of resumes that, for the most part, all look the same. And if it’s a plum job opening you’re after, you could be competing with hundreds and even thousands of job seekers.

When is it time to be creative? Professionals in technology, animation, graphic design and other creative jobs can really use a non-traditional format to showcase their expertise and skills. So consider the industry and whether it makes sense. An accounting job, for example, might not warrant a video resume.

Essentially all professionals should purchase their name as a domain and set up a simple and clean website where they can highlight education, past job experience and any special skills. Having your own domain also allows you to set up a professional email address like [email protected] as opposed to [email protected].

Another option is to create an online portfolio using a program like Carbonmade ($6-24/month).

A downside to virtual or video resumes is that they can’t be easily tailored for each company. It’s pretty simple to tweak a cover letter for each business you approach, but that’s tougher with a video or complex graphic.

Businesses also may be wary of seeing too many identifying details such as age and race if you’re using a photo or video. Many businesses are careful to eliminate any sense of bias in their hiring process.

This article on media-rich resumes has tips on what to consider and when virtual resumes are appropriate.