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How to Make Friends at Work and Stay Productive

September 16, 2019 | Career Blog

You may be criticized by those looking out for you for getting too close to people at work. While it is important to keep your social and work life balanced, it has actually been proven that having friends at work can make a person more productive.

People who have a best friend at work are 43% more likely to display a positive attitude and receive praise from their superiors. Many workers these days quickly become Facebook friends with their coworkers once they start a new job, and this allows them to feel more comfortable in the environment. In this article we will address why it actually encourages people to be more productive to have friends at work.

Friends Make Work More Enjoyable

Many employers think that their employees shouldn’t get too friendly because it could distract from their workload. A smart boss will encourage friendships amongst their team because it will inevitably create a positive environment for everyone. There are many benefits of having friends in the workplace, and here are a few:

  1. You’re More Likely to Look Forward to Work. Most of your time is spent at your job, so it’s extremely important that you aren’t dreading your workday. Having people there that you like being around makes the atmosphere a lot more appealing.
  2. A Better Mood Makes Your Job Fun. A shift in your mood can also alter your work pace. If your feeling bored and waiting for the workday to end, working will take a lot more effort. Having people around that boost your spirits allows you to tread a little lighter and even get a little more done in your day.
  3. You Have a Support System. Though you may already have some great support at home, your family doesn’t want to hear you talk about work all the time. It’s great to have people that understand what your work-life is like that can commiserate with you about it and truly allow you to blow off some steam. They know what kind of stuff you go through on a day to day basis, so they’re usually pretty great at giving advice to help you work toward your goals.
  4. It Gives You a Sense of Belonging. Everyone likes to feel included, it’s human nature. Having a nurturing friendly environment at work allows everyone to feel a oneness, of doing something together. This is not only motivating when it comes to being productive, it gives you a network you can keep with you no matter where you go.

Staying Focused and Avoiding Distractions

As much as having friends at work is clearly a positive thing, you also want to make sure you aren’t letting it distract too much from your productivity. It can encourage you to do a good job, but it can also be tempting to simply play all day. To make sure you’re keeping your work friendships and your productivity balanced:

  • Set realistic goals for yourself for the day and make sure you’re keeping on track by accomplishing most to all of them.
  • Save social moments for your breaks and mealtimes.
  • Avoid extensive conversations about things that don’t have to do with work while at work.

In Conclusion

There is no harm in having fun at work, as long as you are still working hard and keeping your priorities in line. Having a strong community can actually encourage people to work harder and as a team. Are you feeling stagnant where you’re working now? Do you long for more camaraderie at work?

Don’t settle for a job just because you like your paycheck, your job should be a place you enjoy going to. Need help finding a job with a team that matches your personality? Look no further! Allegiance Staffing is dedicated to providing individuals with jobs that fit them like a glove. Reach out to us today for more information on how we can help you find a positive work environment.

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