Seasonal Work Will Help When Your References Aren’t Ideal | Allegiance
May 1, 2017 | Career Blog
Imagine this: you’ve gotten through a grueling application with your dream company. And then… you don’t get the job. Why did this happen? It wasn’t because you failed to impress at the interview, but because your references didn’t check out.
Great job candidates fail to secure ideal references for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes, your references will retire or move away, leaving no contact information. In other instances, your former employer might have a policy where they forbid managers from giving references to former employees.
When you can’t find a professional position due to lack of references, a seasonal staffing agency will help you develop or rebuild a professional reputation if you’re otherwise a strong worker. We can help you in the following capacities:
- Get a seasonal staffing job without needing numerous references. When we send you out on seasonal assignments, your prospective employers take you as a vetted, qualified candidate from our agency. We assess you and your career prospects, and will send you out on temporary assignments with different requirements than permanent positions for references.
- Obtain coaching from our staffing agency on your career. Our agency will work with you as a seasonal staffing candidate to improve your application, interview skills, and brainstorm creative solutions around improving your references. We act as your partner in your career development.
- Receive references and strong recommendations from your seasonal positions. The advantage of shorter-term seasonal positions it that you can do a number of positions quickly, and your supervisors at positions where you do a good job will serve as new references for you. In certain cases, if you really impress, they just might go ahead and hire you permanently!
Allegiance Staffing offers 25 years of experience bringing in quality employees who meet high standards. Contact us today to learn more about how our custom labor solutions can improve your bottom line. Looking for work? Join Our Talent Network Today.