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Job Interviews: Don’t Let Rejection Stop You

December 13, 2016 | Career Blog

The job interview went well. You thought you were very likely to get the job. But ultimately, you didn’t.

Maybe you were brought back for several interviews, and thought that was a good sign. (It can be.) Perhaps a phone interview turned into an onsite one. But still, no job was offered.

It can be difficult to deal with rejection in the job search. After all, a rejection means that the salary and benefits aren’t going to be yours. In addition, of course, getting a job means you can stop preparing resumes and going on interviews!

But the fact is, rejection is an integral part of doing a job search. No one looks for a job without rejection occurring at least once, and often multiple times.

Here are 3 tips to overcoming rejection.

  1. Reframe it as a step toward job success. The first tip is to recognize the fact that rejection is going to happen and reframe it. You are one step closer to yes once it happens. Rejections are necessary steps on the path.
  2. Realize it’s not about you. Job applicants are rejected for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps the head of the company wanted another person. Perhaps the position was put on hold. Perhaps they promoted from within.
  3. Let it go. One of the worse things you can do on rejection is keep worrying about why it happened. Sports teams hold a good analogy. If they lose a game, it’s on to the next one. No team, even the World Series-winning ones, wins all the time. If you think you do have an issue (your resume had a typographical error, or you froze during the interview), do what sports teams do. Get some coaching where it’s needed. And then go on to win.

Please contact us for more information on successful job searching.

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