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10 Job Search Resources for Ex-Felons

October 27, 2020 | Career Blog

For ex-felons, trying to re-enter the job market and find a new job can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders. It’s not as simple as making your resume look nice and preparing to pull off a professional interview. You have to be prepared to answer tough questions from potential employers when applying for a job. Fortunately, there are many job search resources for ex-felons; you just need to know where to look. Keep reading for a few examples and find more advice on how to make your job search more productive.

Where To Look for Job Opportunities

It may seem difficult, but finding a job is NOT impossible for an ex-felon. There are many good companies that will hire you in your area. Consider these recommendations to get you started:

1. Look for part-time, temporary positions, and third shift work. A lot of employers that hire for these types of positions have trouble filling them. You could fit in well trying to get back on your feet.

2. Narrow your search to more commonly felon-friendly industries. Employers who are hiring for construction, driving positions, and customer service roles tend to be more flexible when it comes to hiring ex-felons.

3. Ask around. Let your friends and family know you’re looking for work. You most likely know someone who can find an opportunity for you. Even if it’s only temporary, it could quite possibly open doors for future opportunities.

Aside from the regular ways you would look for job openings, there are dedicated resources that specifically help ex-felons find work. This includes open job listings, support groups where you can network, and staffing companies that specialize in this particular area.

Dedicated Programs to Help Ex-Felons

4. Work Opportunity Tax Credit. The WOTC is a federal government program that offers a tax credit to employers who hire ex-felons and others who may have difficulty finding work. This only

applies to employers who hire ex-felons within one year of their release or the end of their parole/probation. This program benefits you because it incentives employers to bring you onboard through reimbursement to them.

5. Second Chance Jobs for Felons. Founded in 2016, this second chance program includes more than 275 companies across the country that will hire applicants with a criminal record. They also will provide you with helpful resources to:

  • Access apprenticeship programs
  • Sign up for trucking driving schools
  • Find post-conviction pardons and legal assistance
  • Tattoo removal

6. Fair Chance Business Pledge. This is a pledge that employers sign that encourages them to give felons the consideration of hiring no matter what’s on their record. By signing the pledge, the employer agrees that they will solely evaluate the applicant based on their skills. It also promotes:

  • Equal treatment of all employees, whether they have a criminal record or not
  • The offering of internships and training as non-convicts
  • Jobs for fair chance employment
  • Provision of business clothing, transportation options, and other tools to ex-offenders
  • Re-entry support facilities and programs
  • Building your resume and submitting to the employers who are part of the second chance program

7. Ban The Box. This is a movement that was founded by people who strongly advocated for ex-offenders, asking employees to remove their criminal record questions from their job applications. By removing the checkbox that requires you to say whether or not you are an ex-offender, employees have the opportunity to solely be evaluated by their skills and experience.

Ban The Box also makes it so employers do not have access to criminal records until the hiring process has moved along and places restrictions on the types of questions that can be asked at the time of the interview. Around half of the United States have moved Ban The Box into legislation and Congress is working on it’s continued acceptance amongst federal agencies and contractors everywhere.

Website Resources To Support Your Job Search

There are quite a few websites that specialize in helping ex-felons find jobs. A few examples include:

8. This site provides helpful resources, re-entry programs, job listings according to your location, and voting assistance for ex-felons.

9. In addition to resources and a job search engine, this site also provides housing options and legal representation connections.

Find Direct Support Through Temporary Work

10. Work With Allegiance Staffing. Our staffing agency places talent in industries that are ex-felon friendly. We have access to a long list of open positions from high-quality companies that could be the right fit for you. Scouring through job search resources for ex-felons is a great start, but having someone in your corner to help you find that perfect job is even better.

We can also help you prepare for your interview by giving you advice and fine-tuning your resume. Give us a call today or contact us through our website to learn more about how we can help with your job search.

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