The Real Reason You’re Not Getting Hired And How to Fix It
September 12, 2018 | Career Blog
Being out of work is not a sustainable way of life, of that we are sure. So, you have to put yourself out there again and again. Most people do not enjoy the interview process, especially if you are experiencing constant rejection. So what’s the deal? Why aren’t you getting hired? You cannot give up, so you have to figure it out and make a change.
Check These Areas If You’re Not Getting Hired
To help you out, we have compiled a list of possible reasons you might not be getting hired and what you can do to fix them.
1. Your Resume Is Not Professional
Resumes are often your first impression in the job application process. Make sure you double check for any spelling errors and that you say something informative about yourself. It’s a good idea to take it a step further and have another person spell check your document for you to ensure you didn’t miss anything. Additionally, while many jobs no longer require a cover letter with your resume, it can be a way to make your application stand out. Cover letters introduce you and give you an opportunity to present your most important traits.
2. Your References Were Not Strong Enough
Your references can make or break things for you. They are the hiring equivalent of the reviews you read online about a business. A good reference is a validation point for the hiring manager that you are a worthwhile hire. On the flip side, if you made these people up or threw in a couple friends because you couldn’t think of anyone better, the hiring manager will not be impressed. If you don’t have anyone you can use from a past job, use a teacher that always liked you or a family friend who has been successful in their career.
3. You Didn’t Prepare For This Interview
The person interviewing you wants to see that you care about this position and the company you are applying to. You have to show them that this job is the one you want above all of the rest. In order to accomplish that, you will need to do some research. Look around on their website and find something that intrigues you about their company. If you know anyone else that works in the industry, ask them what they like about their job. Having this information will make conversation flow more easily during your interview and they will believe that you are truly interested in working for them.
4. You Didn’t Show Up On Time
Being on time is imperative. Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes. Tardiness runs the risk of making you look irresponsible and can give the impression that you don’t care. No matter what your excuse is, they are probably interviewing many other people who did show up on time. Set yourself up for success and make sure you leave extra early for your interview.
5. You Don’t Demonstrate Your Self Confidence
Like we said earlier, it’s not easy to deal with rejection on the interview circuit, but it can come with the territory. You cannot let this beat you down, and you really cannot let it show in your interviews. People want to hire someone that knows what they have to offer. You don’t want to appear too proud of yourself, but show them that you know you are right for the job and don’t be afraid to humbly tell them why.
Staffing Agencies Can Help
Finding the right job on your own is not always easy, but there are people that can help you. Working with a staffing agency is free for employees. Staffing agencies help you to arrange a professional resume and give you advice on the best ways to prepare for an interview with each company that you go for. Better yet, the agency will help you to find the industry that matches your personality and skills so you can feel confident going into the interview.
So if you find yourself asking, “why am I not getting hired?” it’s time to make the call. For more information on how using a staffing agency will help you get hired, contact us here.